Maintenance agreements usually aren’t the flashiest investment, but they do keep your HVAC equipment in good running order. This helps keep your bills low so you can afford more exciting home improvements. Most importantly, they keep your equipment running during the worst weather of the year by identifying problems early before they lead to breakdowns. Consider the odd noises a technician can identify during a typical maintenance call:

Loud noises are never “business as usual.”

When an air conditioner’s condenser—the outdoor unit—kicks on, there shouldn’t be any loud noises. When that happens, whether it’s a buzzing or grinding noise, it’s the sign of an immediate problem. Your unit could go out at any minute. It’s not an issue that should wait for a yearly preventative maintenance check, but it may be something a technician notices before a homeowner does.

Remember, there’s a reason you’re hiring the experts. They have an ear for the proper sounds your system should be making and can quickly recognize when your equipment deviates from the norm.

Noises are often caused by worn components before they go out.

Buzzing indicates a potential problem with a motor. Grinding or clinking can be a problem with a fan blade, which will undoubtedly damage other components if allowed to break. These noises are considered serious because they don’t just stop your unit from working. They lead to the need for expensive repairs.

You can avoid these costly repairs by working with a qualified technician who has the knowledge and the tools to test components for wear before these noises have a chance to begin.

Keep your comfort and your bank account protected. Enroll in one of the best Charleston-area maintenance agreements today, the Comfort Control Plan, and stay cool all summer long. Visit Smoak’s Comfort Control online to request an appointment or call 843-556-9550 today.