Without maintenance agreements and routine filter changes, the indoor air quality of your home may be as much as five times more polluted than the air you breathe outdoors. The purpose of a filter in your furnace is to reduce the amount of dust, debris and other allergens that may be circulated throughout your home.

Even if you keep your home immaculately clean, pet dander, dust, mold spores, pollen, and bacteria can still find its way into your home, and your family’s health can suffer. However, changing the furnace filter on a regular basis may prevent these irritants from building up and releasing foul air quality inside your home.

When to Change the Filter

When a filter is clogged with pet dander, dust, and debris, it will decrease airflow and cause your HVAC system to work harder. So, most manufacturers recommend you change the furnace filter once each month, especially during heavy use during the winter and summer months.

If you notice more dust around your home, smell a dusty odor, or your family has been experiencing unexplained congestion, you should check to see if the air filter needs to be changed.

Benefits of Maintenance & Filter Change

In addition to changing the filter each month, it is also important to have regular maintenance on your HVAC. Maintenance agreements mean a licensed HVAC contractor will carefully examine the unit to make sure it is free of carbon monoxide, calibrate the thermostat and examine it for fire hazards.

There are a number of benefits with both changing the filter regularly and routine maintenance, including

  • Extends the life of the HVAC unit
  • Reduces energy costs
  • Maintains healthy indoor air quality
  • Keeps your heating and cooling system clean

​For any questions you may have about maintenance agreements, replacing your filter or servicing the furnace in your Charleston home, reach out to our experts at Smoak’s Comfort Control. We will be happy to recommend the best type of air filter for your home and explain the benefits of a well-maintained HVAC system.