commercial HVAC system requires the use of commercial services for installation, as well as for maintenance. In addition to hiring a professional HVAC technician, there are a few other things a business owner can do to get the most out of his or her HVAC investment:

1. Review Your Energy Bills

A good way to measure how an HVAC system runs is to look at how much energy it uses. Besides the obvious situation where the heater or air conditioner will not turn on, seeing how much energy the HVAC system uses is a good way to check up on how well it works. For example, if a typical energy bill for the air conditioner in the summer is $200, but one month it’s $500, that could be a sign that something is not right. Obviously, the air conditioner isn’t working as efficiently as it should and might be on the verge of breaking down soon.

2. Check Your Thermostat

Thermostats serve as on/off switches for HVAC systems. But the thermostat only turns the system on if it detects a certain temperature. If the thermostat fails to accurately check the indoor temperature, the HVAC system may not turn on when it should. This may mean the occupants of a building suffer from uncomfortable temperatures. They have no idea that even though they set the thermostat to 68 degrees in the winter, the unit won’t actually turn on the heater until it hits 64 degrees.

3. Conduct Routine Maintenance

Business owners have a lot to do! It’s understandable if they don’t always have the time to check up on the HVAC unit. When this happens, hiring a professional to do it can be a real timesaver. Also, unless the business owner has experience in the HVAC industry, they probably won’t be able to do as good of a job as a dedicated HVAC technician. If you’re curious about taking advantage of commercial services to better care for your commercial HVAC system, now is the time to contact our commercial services experts at Smoak’s Comfort Control.