How can maintenance agreements keep your bills low? Maintenance agreements help home and business owners keep things comfortable inside while keeping costs down. Preventive maintenance and early repairs are much more effective at maximizing your HVAC budget than some untested tips and tricks you might find for keeping bills low. Here are three myths for managing heating and cooling costs and the truth you need to know for better climate control:

Myth #1: Buy Budget Filters

What do HVAC filters have to do with energy bills? The answer is airflow. Contrary to popular opinion, a filter’s primary job isn’t to sanitize your air. Rather, its primary objective is keeping your system free from dirt and debris. The bits and pieces that get trapped in the filter can build up resistance, forcing your system to work harder and burn more energy. The budget filters clean the fewest particles from the air. Invest in products with Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) ratings of 7 or higher for best results.

Myth #2: Close off Rooms You Don’t Use

HVAC systems rely on proper pressure to work correctly. They’re designed to heat your whole home. When you close off a room or close a vent, you’re creating deficiencies in the design and dragging airflow and pressure down. This forces your system to work harder and burn more fuel, but it can also lead to overheating and circuits breaking.

Myth #3: Turn Off the Heat While You’re Sleeping

The EPA found homeowners could save 5.4 percent off their heating bills for every degree they lower the thermostat. Someone could mistakenly take this to mean that having no heat on in winter would be an incredible deal. Unfortunately, you can damage your home and put people at risk by turning off your heating system at night or when no one is at home. It’s best to keep your nighttime thermostat set to at least 62 degrees. It’s time to consider professional HVAC maintenance agreements if you’re looking for real ways to save. Preventative service from our team of experts at Smoak’s Comfort Control will ensure your system performs at top efficiency throughout the year. Contact us online or give us a call today at (843) 556-9550 for more information or to schedule an appointment.