Are you and your family experiencing allergies or having a hard time breathing and are growing concerned as symptoms seem to flare up only when you are inside your home? Do you smell mold or mildew throughout your home and are wondering what may be causing this as you have cleaned your home from top to bottom? If you answered yes to any of all these questions, then you may need your home’s ductwork system repaired or replaced. Here are two other signs that you will need to hire a professional HVAC contractor for help.

High Energy Bills

One other sign that may indicate you will need to have your air duct repaired or replaced is that you are receiving high energy bills. Ductwork is essential as it evenly distributes the air throughout your home from your HVAC unit. Air pressure is lost when the air duct becomes damaged causing your HVAC unit to work harder which may be the reason why your energy bill is expensive.

Uneven Cooling and Heating

Another sign that may indicate you need expert professional air duct services is the presence of uneven heating and cooling. The air duct may have a leak and will need to be repaired or even replaced as soon as possible.

Trust Smoak’s Comfort Control for High Quality HVAC Services

Perhaps you are now searching for companies that offer HVAC (heating, air conditioning, and ventilation) services. Contact the experts at Smoak’s Comfort Control. They have been offering HVAC and plumbing services to homes and businesses in Charleston, SC, and the surrounding areas since 1972.

So, when searching for a highly experienced and reputable local company that offers exceptional services like duct repair and ductwork replacement in Charleston, SC, they are the ones you can trust and depend on. Visit us online at or call (843) 556-9550 to learn more today!