When working to improve your heating and air conditioning efficiency, it is important to understand the nature of emergency heat. This setting should only be necessary for very specific situations. Understanding how it works can help you gauge the nature of this setting and the instances in which you should use it.

What is Emergency Heating?

Emergency heating is necessary when the outdoor temperature gets incredibly cold. This situation typically occurs when temperatures drop below zero degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures this low often combine with wind changes to make your heat pump run poorly. In some instances, the heat pump may not work at all and leave your home without heat.

However, emergency heating will kick in during these situations to provide you with a backup source of heat. You don’t need this option turned on all the time, however, because it can decrease your home’s heating efficiency. Instead, it is important to turn it on only at specific times.

Four Times You Should Turn It On

Now that you understand emergency heating for your HVAC system, there’s another question: When is it essential? While you can turn it on at any time, it is absolutely necessary to switch it on during the following instances:

1. When Temperatures Fall

Extremely low temperatures often occur when arctic air pockets shift down. If your home is in the bull’s-eye of this situation, make sure to turn on your emergency heating.

2. If Wind Speed are High

High wind speeds can further bring down the temperature around your heat pump. Even worse, it can cause it to malfunction and struggle to run. Switching to your emergency heat avoids this danger.

3. During Winter Storms

As snow begins to build up around your home, you should switch on your emergency heating option. Doing so ensures you don’t suffer from heating loss during a crucial period.

4. When Leaving the House for Extended Periods

Those who plan on leaving their home for a lengthy period during the winter should turn on their emergency heating. This step helps prevent heat loss and other serious related concerns, such as frozen pipes.

Understanding Emergency Heating

As you can see, the emergency heating setting on your heating and air conditioning unit is nowhere near as complex as it seems. Make sure your family fully understands this option to keep your home heating efficient and effective. If you need assistance, contact the reliable professionals at Smoak’s Comfort Control today!