At Smoak’s Comfort Control, many of the call outs for a Summerville plumber area are to clean out clogged drains. By changing a few bad habits and spending just a few minutes a week on your drains, you can prevent many of the simple clogs in the kitchen and the bathroom.

It is important to recognize if the clog is in the drain close to the sink, or if it is in the main sewer line or further down the drain system. While homeowners can often clear clogs that are small and close to the sink, it is often impossible to clear those that are substantial and further down the system.

  • Run hot water – grease, soap residue, and organic materials can cause a drain to slow down or clog. Pouring hot water down the drain can dissolve the clog and keep drains running freely. Do not pour boiling water into a porcelain sink or fixture and do not use this method if you have PVC (plastic) pipe.
  • Baking soda and vinegar – place a half a box of baking soda into the drain and then add about a half a cup of white vinegar. Place the sink stopper in place and wait for 30 minutes. Follow up with hot or boiling water. Do not use commercial drain clog cleaning products. These typically do not break up the clog, but they can cause damage to pipe and pipe joints.

If more than one fixture in the house is draining slowly or backing up, call us today at (843) 556-9550 or contact us today via our website at, and we can send out a plumber to correctly fix the problem and get your drains working properly.