Every homeowner has likely faced plumbing issues at some point. You may be able to fix simple issues or make temporary repairs yourself, but there may come a time you have to call a plumber in Johns Island, SC. Learn when you should call a professional Johns Island plumber to fix the problem.

Water Hammer

Water hammer commonly causes a noisy pipe making it bang and clank. When you turn a faucet on and off, the force of the water pressure flames against the valves. The valves or support straps may have come loose, or the pipes could be poorly installed. Temporarily stop the noise by turning off the water supply. Open all faucets from top to bottom and let them drain completely.

No Hot Water

Being without hot water for a short period is natural, but it should get hot after several minutes. If it doesn’t get hot, check to ensure the breaker hasn’t tripped on an electric hot water heater. If it’s a gas water heater, inspect if the pilot light has gone out, and call a professional to light it, if needed. Water heaters that fail to continuously may need replacing.

Foul Odors

Foul odors usually indicate a gas leak that smells like rotten eggs, which is hydrogen sulfide. The smell commonly indicates a sewer gas leak. Moderate smells can usually be traced with the investigation. Check floor drains, gas appliances and hot water heaters, open windows to vent, and turn off the gas to them. In cases of strong odors that cannot be traced, or it comes from a floor drain you may need to evacuate until a plumber fixes the problem.

You need your plumbing system to work when you need it. However, some problems cannot wait. Don’t hesitate to call (843) 556-9550 or visit www.smoakscomfort.com today.