Sump & Ejector Pumps

Sump and Ejector Pumps

Outside of plumbers and home waterproofing experts, few people can explain the difference between a sump pump and an ejector pump. While they look very similar and are vital to home water management, they go about it differently. Sump pumps gather groundwater from drain tiles and hold the water until the pumps begin to push the water from your home. Ejector pumps rely on floor drains to collect accumulated water and expel it from your home.
Now you can probably understand why it’s a good idea to turn to the experts to ensure you have the right system in mind for your home. Smoak’s Comfort Control is here to help you decide on the right system, install it in your home, and maintain it over time. Contact us today so we can begin to assist you in waterproofing your home or answer any questions you may have.