Tankless Water Heaters

Rinnai Tankless Water Heaters

Smoak’s Comfort Control brings our customers the latest home comfort technology throughout Charleston, SC. An efficient advancement in age-old luxury directly delivers an endless hot water supply on demand. Tankless Water Heaters eliminate the need to ration out times to shower to ensure no one gets left in the cold. Since tankless water heaters only warm water, as you need it, you will never run out of hot water ever again. As their name indicates, tankless heaters lack a storage tank, but what they don’t lack is efficiency. Without the need for a storage tank, these systems allow you to save money by only heating the water you need and not paying to heat water you aren’t using.
If you’re curious about the purchase and installation costs, remember that there are rebates or tax credits that will help make this an even more appealing option to any homeowner. Not just a way to save money on your bills each month, a tankless water heater will also add value to your home as an upgrade that you’ll enjoy every day. So, look at the options available – and contact us with any questions or schedule an appointment.
Luxury Series Tankless Water Heater

Ultra Series Tankless Water Heater

Value Series Tankless Water Heater