If you’re a brand new homeowner, there are many new things you have to master – from lawn care and maintenance to responsible spending and budgeting. Plumbing is another relevant topic you should familiarize yourself with, in case anything happens to go wrong while you’re living in your new home. Read on to learn what first-time homeowners should know about their home’s plumbing system.

Certain Foods Can Damage Your Garbage Disposal

Certain foods can clog your garbage disposal, so make sure to never pour pasta, rice, vegetable oil, and starchy veggies like kale into the sink.

Learn to Repair a Leaky Pipe

All you’ll need to conduct this repair project is an epoxy putty, tape, and a pipe clamp.

Don’t Try to DIY if You’re Unsure

While some homeowners may have a solid grasp on how to conduct certain DIY projects, others may struggle to do handiwork. If you fall into the latter, don’t take a chance and ruin your plumbing system. Contact a professional for larger and more intimidating projects instead.

When to Call an Expert About Plumbing in Charleston, SC

If you’ve noticed a foul smell lingering in the bathroom, or perhaps, you’ve taken note that the bathroom is always damp, these are usually signs you’re experiencing a plumbing in Charleston, SC related issue. However, first-time homeowners may not have a reliable plumber’s number saved.

If this is the case, give Smoak’s Comfort Control a call at (843) 556-9550. They are a plumbing company located in the Charleston area and can help both first-time and long-time homeowners with their plumbing related issues. For more information or to schedule an appointment visit www.smoakscomfort.com today!