Smoak’s Blog
How Could a Dehumidifier Improve My Office Air Quality?
Commercial HVAC services can improve the air quality in your office by reducing the indoor humidity levels. When there’s too much moisture in your air, it can lead to unpleasant smells and even harm those with allergies and respiratory problems. Additionally, it can make your office workers uncomfortable, even if the indoor temperature is at a comfortable level. The best way to keep humidity at an acceptable level is to get a dehumidifier.
Help! I Have Stale Air!
When you don’t take advantage of maintenance agreements, your HVAC system may not work as well as it should. This can result in poor indoor air quality. So if you have stale air, you should take the following steps.
Four Reasons Why a Geothermal System is the Best Bet for Your Home Comfort
You can improve the performance and efficiency of your home’s heating and air conditioning system by installing geothermal technology. Sounds pretty high-tech, doesn’t it? What are the benefits of such a system?
Benefits of a Commercial Maintenance Agreement
Like any other equipment, HVAC systems can breakdown. When your home HVAC system needs a repair, it can be an inconvenience. But when your business HVAC system breaks down, it affects your productivity as well as your cash flow. At the least, it’s a huge interruption to your work, and some repairs can shut down your business until they’re fixed. That’s why you need a commercial maintenance agreement.
Why Does My Commercial Air Conditioner Make Loud Noises and What Do They Mean?
A noisy commercial air conditioner is not something that should be ignored. Prompt attention may allow you to correct small issues before they become larger and more expensive ones. It is possible that the fan has become bent or has an obstruction which is causing the noise; loose screws and a motor in need of lubrication may also be the cause. Unfortunately, some loud banging or clanking noises indicate a worn out motor or shot bearings.
How to Combat Spring Allergies and Improve Your Indoor Air Quality at the Office
Spring allergies are a common problem for many people living in the South Carolina Lowcountry. Fortunately, simple steps can minimize your exposure to allergens while improving the overall indoor air quality within an office setting. Since many people spend eight or more hours per day away from home, ensuring your working environment is as clean as possible will reduce allergy symptoms.
How Often Do I Really Need to Change My Air Filters?
When it comes to HVAC units, regular maintenance should be top priority. If you keep your unit clean and check for issues regularly, you’re more likely to avoid a huge repair bill (or complete replacement) later. Changing your air filters regularly may seem like a bit of a hassle, but dirty air filters can wreak havoc on any HVAC system. If you’re wondering how often you need to complete this task, here’s a little cheat sheet to help you out.
What is Home Zoning?
Efficient modern air-conditioning home zoning procedures avoid the pitfalls of faulty methods associated with managed AC performance. Although rumors of old suggest closing AC registers in unused rooms, the power of modern home zoning follows a more efficient process. In fact, according to the HVAC discussion board at U.S. Home Energy Saving Pros, zoning via restricted air flow can result in an overheated heat exchanger. Effective home zoning requires balanced HVAC airflow.
Maintenance Tips for Your Hot Water Heater
Routine maintenance on your water heater is essential to keeping the unit in good working order and running for many years. Some maintenance and repair tasks are complicated and require an experienced professional. However, if you keep an eye out for signs of potential problems, you can do certain basic maintenance tasks by yourself.
What Should I Expect During an HVAC Maintenance Visit?
The heating and ventilation system is one of the most important parts of your home. When it’s running optimally, you’ll be more comfortable and your energy bill will be a lot lower than if the system is running inefficiently. The best way to keep these machines in good working order is by scheduling an HVAC technician to perform tests and maintenance.Typically, the technician will check for three things during his inspection: